Customer area

Control and measurement

Checking Fixtures

Accurate measuring instruments built from product control needs, based on end application.

Assembly and Inspection Workstations

Smart workstations that reduce operator effort and simultaneously inspect the operations performed.


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our work

Our products are present at major automobile manufacturers worldwide.

Meet Techcontrol

Located in Brazilian city of Joinville-SC, Techcontrol stands out in the automobile industry due to technical excellence and quality in the products offered. Always striving to offer the best solution, the company invested in product and process development focused on the current greatest challenges of the automobile industry in the quality control segment.

Over the years, the brand has become a reference in the construction of dimensional control devices and can be found in production lines of numerous automobile manufacturers and automotive systems in Brazil and abroad.

The quality system implemented with ISO 9001 certification, combined to significant investment in the development of people and processes ensure Techcontrol has a high production capacity, capable of delivering a large quantity of control devices, always striving for delivering the best quality on time.

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Companies that trust Techcontrol


Why choose

Productive Capacity

Over the years, Techcontrol has developed a structure for standardizing components to meet high demands and continue to strive for quality excellence.

ISO 9001 certification

We are always following market needs and applying continuous improvement tools in products and processes to ensure the highest quality standards, thus becoming a trustworthy partner for our customers.


The team's technical expertise is one of our business success factors and contributes significantly to the excellence in results. Therefore, Techcontrol constantly invests in training and greatly values a long-lasting relationship between the company and its employees.


Contact us

We are available to provide additional information, answer technical questions, suggestions and quotes. Whatsapp